Take advantage of 10% off of the support contributions you will pay in October 2019, by ePay.bg or EasyPay. The offer is valid for the month of October. The discount will be applied as a deposit for your next payment. It will be applied to your support amount for the next month automatically.
Offer Terms: Valid only for payments through ePay.bg or EasyPay; It is valid for maintenance contributions but is not valid for the heating and cooling fees through a common installation; It is valid for all buildings with standard contract terms; It is valid for some buildings with special contract conditions; It is also valid for delayed duties; To check if your building is under promotion, you can contact your facility manager or phone +359 892 232325. For more information, if you are a client with mutual agreements or a special debt collection regime, you can contact us by phone +359 892 232325; The company reserves the right to change the terms of the promotional campaign by announcing it in advance and at the places where the campaign was originally announced.